A fabulous workshop for any Leader! A successful Leader must possess co-regulation skills to successfully navigate a team, group and/or other individual, particularly through challenges or stressors. We learn to identify emotions in others, use preventative strategies and skills to explore co-regulation with confidence. A necessary skill for all successful Leaders! Run and modelled as an inclusive classroom! * Note…
Get ready for role play, unpacking social situations and starting your journey to social confidence, intelligence and skills. Both in making friends, keeping them and handling unexpected behaviour from others. This engaging workshop has drama, movement, music and fun.
An engaging and fun workshop for that teaches students to identify their emotions and encourages them to explore methods and ways they can individually self regulate. We use various methods to teach identifying emotions including through music, dance, movement, therapy toys, colour keys for each student, props, meditation, puppets, posters and for senior school anatomy of the brain.
A fun self regulation exploration to begin building your own Self Reg Toolbox today which will work towards a lifetime of Emotional Intelligence & Wellbeing benefits.
Christine Sully as a Self Reg Champion Prof. Shanker MEHRET Centre) uses engaging and interactive learning to help students be at their best and lock back into their thinking zone.